A Fresh Perspective for New Mexico

Meet Kim

Born in Tularosa and raised in a middle-class family in Alamogordo, Kimberly Skaggs’ New Mexican roots run deep. Humble beginnings taught her the value of hard work and consistency. The family owns and still operates a water well drilling business that creates jobs and serves Southern New Mexico families, communities, farmers, and ranchers.

When her children grew up and moved out of the house, Kimberly launched multiple successful companies, which have helped to improve our local economy by providing quality employment and financial security to local families.

As she began to get involved in the political process, she realized New Mexico had some really problematic issues: Soaring taxes, struggling businesses, and children who are behind in school. Plain and simple, Kimberly recognized that we are heading in the wrong direction, and decided it was time to pivot. With babies raised and companies stable, Kimberly committed to getting involved and pushing to create the change for which we all hope.

Kimberly is the Vice President of the Alma D’Arte Charter High School Governance Board.

A Note From Kim

There is a difference between being invested in a community and maintaining an address in a community.

I am convinced that, as an actively involved citizen and successful businesswoman, I can bring a level of knowledge and expertise to our state’s legislature that is not only valuable but necessary and needed.

Career politicians very often lose sight of the people they represent, don’t understand the implications of their decisions in the real world, or don’t want to listen when change is needed. As your next State Representative, I promise to never lose sight of who I represent or what my decisions will mean to you and your family. YOU will be my only priority, and I will work diligently to make things better for us all.

– Kim

“When we put our neighbors first, our communities will improve dramatically.”


Boosting the Economy & Creating Jobs

There is no reason why, in a state so rich with resources and opportunity, we should be losing jobs and revenue. As a job creator myself, and a proponent of helping small businesses in our community to be successful, I know we need to ease the burden of taxes and regulations on them before we lose them. As your representative, I will cut the red tape and work to keep New Mexicans earning a paycheck.

Protecting Energy

Instead of embracing energy industries that have served our state for so many years, Santa Fe politicians have done everything they can to squash them. We could be finding new ways to diversify our energy sector and bring even more state revenue in, but without leaders who want  New Mexico to be an energy leader in the nation, we’ll continue to shut down opportunities and jobs, and we’ll keep losing out on funds that could be helping educate our students, provide community services, and ease your taxes.

Educating Our Children

Making sure our kids have a shot in life is so vitally important to me. It’s one of the reasons I am running. We are dead last in education and that is a direct result of our state leaders’ misplaced priorities. We need consistent and organized leadership, proper school funding, and resources tailored to each school district, and we need to focus on teaching our children the lessons they’ll need to prepare them for college or their careers instead of teaching them oppression and shame.  And without a doubt, the money needs to follow the student. I’ll work on prioritizing kids and keeping parents involved in making decisions for their own children.


Farming and ranching are woven into the fabric of New Mexico and its citizens. As a lifelong New Mexican and small business owner, I know the importance of being a responsible steward of not only the lands, livestock, soil, water, and wildlife in our state, but also the policies and resources allocated to ensure their care.

As your State Representative, I will work to protect our agricultural resources, freedoms, and jobs that are necessary to provide food for our nation,  and will advocate continually for our ranchers and farmers.

Giving the Power Back to the People

If the last four years have taught us anything, it is that handing over the control to make decisions for an entire state to one person without any checks and balances is not the way to handle a  crisis. What works for Albuquerque and Santa Fe might not work in Las Cruces. Our state leaders are elected to represent you, not control you.

I’m your neighbor, and I will work hard to ensure the heartbeat of our community is well represented in Santa Fe. When I’m your State  Representative, I’ll put the power back where it belongs and give you a voice.

NM House District 36 Map

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